daily prophetic word fathers heartjason hill this is a robbery

Put away from you adeceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you. This was a new standard, a new level of authority and Love that was being raised up in the church in Canada! I saw that her bitterness had indeed infected and defiled many. The Word had become One with her, as she became One with the Living Word, Jesus Christ her bridegroom. All authority has been given to Him.

. I was reminded of something that happened a few years ago- in a vision where the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were in a conversation and as I stepped into the vision they turned to me and said- Maggie, if we get Canada- we get the Nations!. Vision: saw people wearing heavy, drab coats. The servers operated out of obedience and submission to the Holy Spirit and as a result, the customers were strengthened and nourished and gave honour to God. Sealed, Africa, I decree that today everything changes as you shift and turn and align with the Fathers perfect plans and you will move in breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough! The reason truth makes us free is because it is the evidence of the Word of God. And I saw this dance was a warrior dance, a victory dance. I see a loosening coming to this province. At the right time they will birth and bring forth His plans and His Destiny for this Nation. Your destiny is to be a healing province. AMEN and I pray that this word is a blessing to those who hear it. 2012 is the year of the rising up of Apostolic Governmenta release of Apostolic authority and anointing for re-ordering, re-aligning and re-storing. They were endowed with spiritual gifts and songs that they released in a pure way. The bedroom was dark with a curtain over the window and someone was asleep in the bed. I see them emerging from out of their cocoons emerging as monarch butterflies to rule and reign in their spheres of influence! Father I pray that you would bring new perspective to those who are reading this today. I knew the time "to cross over" into the new thing God has for us was coming to an end. God is faithful! He's Coming to Canada in a brand new way:Amos 3:7 surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets the message bible translation says it this way The fact is,God, the Master, does nothing without first telling his prophets the whole story. Our feet are being positioned on the necks of demonic kings in this season! Their one foot was clamped tight and they couldnt get free. The injection of truth will first untangle and then transform this big mess into a powerful message of reconciliation and restoration. Leaning over the top of the Silo, I began to release these WORDS from the Lord over him by declaration and decree.As I did, Oil streamed out of my mouth and poured down upon this Prophet/Father until he was completely saturated it!Its not by might, not by power but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts. A New Season is breaking open in Canada! Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. I also choose to release blessing to them, even if I dont feel like it right now. I see all doubt being removed and displaced with the gift of Faith and I see mountains falling as you speak to them with divine confidence! I hear the Lord say to those who have been pressing in for may seasons in intercession- Your many tears of suffering are being transformed into rivers of joy! Its been aged to perfection and has been reserved for this time and this season! This will be a year for many who will begin to move into their Destiny. They were the catalysts, the ones through whom the Father ushered in a new thing into the earth. Behold- I am making all things new says the Lord! As I watched this, I saw that this laser beam shotblood onto the people's foreheads, and as they fell under the power of God, they received instant revelation of the true Christ and could see who Jesus Christ really was. I saw the bride enforcing, entering into, occupying and possessing the Victory that had already been won for her through fresh revelation of the Living Word Himself! I could see that this Military Operation was operating from spiritual intelligence led by the Holy Spirit as divine strategies were being released to identify, locate and destroy enemy strongholds. Deep darkness is covering the people and the earth. They were dancing the dance of freedom and dominion. and allow yourself to be hemmed in from all sides. "On Christ the solid rock I standall other ground is sinking sand.". To her it was granted to be arrayed in fine white linen clean and bright. I release a breaker anointing to come upon you and set you free! I am the God of the impossible, and I am ready to [] READ MORE The Father Says Today: April 27th, 2023 By admin | April 27, 2023 | 1 Comment He became slick with the Oil as it covered His head and body. I see spiritual mothers moving about and being led by the Spirit of God into the stables and into the hidden places. This King was wearing a royal robe with a crown upon His head. You are a king says the Father. Suddenly, I saw that the enemy was also there and he was watching. I could see that their carnal weapons were no match for a spiritual foe. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces. Today, the table has been turned in your favour. In a Vision, I saw a Tortoise(a turtle) pushing a very large object forward and as it did, I heard the Lord speak to the object saying, Turn, Turn, Turn and I saw as the Tortoise pushed, the large object begin to turn in a new direction and it was actually turning a corner! In a vision I saw many women out in the sea of life. I see the Ancient of Days standing in Canadas Arctic and I see that He is the one who is unlocking these doors of Destiny! These shock waves are paralyzing the enemy and cancelling his plans and assignments. Through all the trials and all the tears, I was there strengthening you, as the WORD within you took root and grew and bore fruit. Isaiah 61:3-4 End of Vision. When God occupies us, the enemy can no longer touch us. The Father is now releasing these hidden ones, these humble ones, His obedient sons and daughters they are ascending to the Fathers right hand, seated in Christ. Its the Anointing that carries My blood to deliver yokes of bondage!, I asked, What is the name of this Anointing?. I was asking the Father if He had a Word for the body of Christ regarding the elections outcome in Canada. I hear the Lord say that in this season- nothing shall be impossible for those who believe! I see a firm backbone being infused into the body of Christ, a strengthening and a straightening of your spinal cord, I see a rod being inserted into your spinal cord to keep it upright and in perfect alignment with the Fathers plans. An orphaned generation requires a generation of fathers/mothers to rise up and be poured out in love. Set aside thoughts of hindrance and impediment. Its on the horizon! I bless you to step into your God given identity and destiny. On the front of the train I saw the Spirit of Counsel positioned to lead, direct and move this train within the Fathers perfect counsel and timing. In an instant, I knew she was me, as I could sense her every thought and feel her resolve and excitement in being there, but she was also representative of other women with similar calling and gifting. I was reminded of what the Lord spoke to me several years ago- when He said: Maggie, much of the Healing Revival you will see in Canada will have to do with the healing of the emotions., I asked Father how will you heal their emotions?, He said, I will heal their emotions with My emotions!. KEY WORD for First Nations people of Canada is Restoration- The Lord is restoring the years the locusts have eaten;, redeeming and restoring the time, making all things new. Today, the favour of God is resting upon you. Today, the strongholds of shame and hopelessness are being uprooted and removed from your generations. I see the Joy of the Lord begin to strengthen you and undergird you in this hour as you step into new beginnings as a fresh wave of a revelatory anointing settles upon you! I see all and I am coming with restoration and release. I see the Inuit people carrying the anointing of El Shaddai they are anointed to bring healing and wholeness to the broken. Jesus Christ was the firstborn of the Fatherthe first to be crucified, buried and the first to be resurrected from the dead. I see a collective body of spiritual mothers pregnant with the Fathers plans and purposes for this new Era! The ministry now has an international impact. The tracks for this railroad have been strategically laid in the spirit realm through the intercession, obedience and warfare of several generations. I saw the Lord exposing her in this hour and watched as she tried to cover the stains of bloodshed that were smeared across her mouth and lips. And I saw the Lord Jesus standing on the soil of Africa with out-stretched arms as He began to gather and embrace multitudes upon multitudes in the African nations! I saw the axe striking the roots of trauma and I watched as up from that root system emerged a kaleidoscope of monarch butterflies! But in this season, I see the Lord has established Godly overseers, watchmen and humble leaders in the church in California; those who will walk in the fear of the Lord and be able to rightly steward all the Lord is pouring into your state. The Holy Spirit is raising up new creation men who will prosper in the goodness of God. To the forerunners in the church of Canada:- enter into your finest hour- you are shifting into a new era a leap into the miraculousinto the ease of harvesting under the power of the Holy Spirit- under Godly authority, under His Glory! 2013 will be the year of establishing ourselves in a new Victory mindset. Prepare to move in this new direction as I lead you through the doors of your destiny! Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose. I saw that God was transforming them from a stronghold of insecurity into a divine security system of mighty warriors. As Mary birthed Josephs role as an earthly father to Jesus (the son of God), similarly the mothers of this new Era are birthing the role and destiny of Apostolic fathers. The Lord was calling him to re-dig the generational wells of healing in Spokane. (John 14:12 TPT). heal your Land. Then, I saw buckets of jewels being poured out and a mother sow nursing many young piglets. The word processional means to proceed OR to march forward! I saw these ones in what looked like a large outdoor prison, wandering inside a high-powered electric fence that was attached to a dark and demonic Gate. I am the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way. Thinking His thoughts and feelings, His emotions for us is REVOLUTIONARY! Give me all the trauma and pain of your past. This is the Kairos time to press into the heart of our Father. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father's bosom, the many breasted one. Jesus is in the streets! It is the kindness of the Father that will turn the hardest of hearts to run into the Fathers bosom! Where are they going and how will they get there in the most efficient and safest way? I repent for yielding to it and I ask you to forgive me for partnering and agreeing with it. Let go of the ungodly yokes that have weighed you down and let me free you up from the agendas of man. In the vision: I was standing on the shores of the promised land and I looked at the people crossing over and I saw the waters of the Jordan behind them beginning to recede. Those parts of your past that you are ashamed of and want to throw away. Drink deeplyfor it is through a unified sucklinga coordinated unity that our thirst and hunger releases the let down of the Holy Spirits presence and power. I hear the Lord speak over you Australia ---Psalms 24:7-10: Lift up your heads, O you gates! This resulted in condemnation and discouragement. Holy Spirit, I invite you to fill and occupy every area where this principality has occupied and affected me. As he became saturated with this Oil, he began to deflate. I tell you, I am raising up fathers and mothers to take their stand at the helm of this nation and they shall carry My heart for those whom they have been called to serve and protect. Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. You have seen affliction, adversity and much pressure. 2011 was a year of breakthrough, 2012 was a year of realigning, reordering and restoring. There has been a washing; now comes a conditioning, a smoothing out of knots and tangles- the remnants of the orphan spirit being displaced by the spirit of sonship- by the Fathers Love. The Nations are waiting for Canada to rise up and take her place. I see Canada declaring to the fearful hearted- be strong and do not fear--- Behold your God will come with vengenance with the recompense of God He will come and save you! With the inauguration of these Kings comes the birthing and rising up of an Apostolic army across the earth! I heard the Lord say- Africa, I am releasing you from the assignments of the enemy that have caused you to become weary and faint. Healing will come by God's power, and health will come by our power. Definition of mangled to disfigure- to deeply wound, to beat, to bruise, to cut up and to convulse. Identity shall give rise to vision and vision shall give rise to destiny. And the Lord spoke again and said; Im raising up the mothers in Canada. I saw faith-filled prayers and intercessory cries that had reached into the deepest part of this valley, surrounding and quietly settling upon the carnage and despair, much like a blanket that hovered and covered. Today, God is birthing a new thing, a new Era into the earth. That we will know when to look forward, when to turn our heads and confirm our allegiance to the Father and for us to receive the banner that flows over us, the anointing for mental health. It's time for breakthrough---Weapons of warfare begin to manifest as the Army receives revelation and divine strategy for warfare. I see the fall of demonic strongholds across Canada. What is motivating us? Re-posture your heart, humble yourself and lean into Me. I can see a release of this new liquid: I can see and smell the texture, the taste, the fragrance of the new wineflowing from the bosom of the many breasted one. Have Questions? But you shall be named the priests of the Lord, they shall call you the servants of our God. As it was planned from the beginning. We are to move out from a position of Victory, war from Victory and rest in Victory. Slowly but surely, through determination and perseverance, the tortoise won the race! The Father is gathering these faithful ones and I hear Him say- I can work with this! They brought out their sick and their lame, and not one was left standing. I then saw that the Bride had great laser-beams coming from her eyes and I asked the Lord what that was. With the removal of these thorns- comes an ease for greater unity within the body of Christ. The Lord will no longer tolerate those who would addto the simplicity of the gospelwith their own ideas and works of the flesh! Suddenly, Jesus began to gently blow upon these Intercessory prayers and they took flight, swirling and whirling within the valley! I watched as this machine was working to remove dead branches and uproot trees from the yard and dispose of them. The harvest fields have been measured and marked for this hour. I am the vine, you are the branches. Then I heard the Lord say- This will be a HOME BIRTH! Are we looking to promote ourselves?Or are we here to obey God and serve others as He provides? I want to pause for second, to tell you that I had to look up what a citadel was, because I didnt know. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.. Free Daily Prophetic Word from Father's Heart Ministry Free Daily Prophetic Word www.propheticNOW.com Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden Prophets Russ & Kitty Walden Greetings! My heart is to restore and release fathers/mothers to answer the cry of the orphaned in My body. A new generation is being raised up to stand on guard for the Destiny of Canada. I see Quebec and I see water draining out of a bathtub. I saw the Lord sending His Body to come alongside the ones who were caught in these traps, to pray with them, to help them and teach them how to get unclamped- to set them free from their captivity. 2013 is the year where we will Cultivate and Establish a Culture of Victory. Its time to enlarge your tent pegs and prepare to receive! Behold my Son and His finished work! These Orphans have taken the gift of Son-ship into their hands, but they havent yet RECEIVED IT INTO THEIR HEARTS! I saw a Native person (wearing native regalia) standing in the doorway of a teepee (I discerned this doorway represented the gateway of the First Nations reservations).This Native person had been looking up into the sky through a window but then moved quickly to the doorway for a better view. Sealed, I decree to you Africa, today you are being seated into your rightful place at the Fathers table of provision and I see the anointing of the Holy Spirit has come to rest upon you like tongues of fire! You who have ears to hear - hear what the Spirit is saying to you. We will begin to see healing as a process to establish health in our bodies and minds. The person of Jesus Christ- the work of Jesus Christ is enough! I pray that the Lord's dreams for each one of us would come true!!! Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs. I saw someone sweeping up a floor in their house and they had swept together a bunch of dirt, junk, debris, and waste into a dustpan. I saw CLARITY come into the BODY OF CHRIST as a clear path emerged before them and became visible and plain to see.

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daily prophetic word fathers heart