which of the following symptoms best describes agoraphobia?jason hill this is a robbery

A- Anhedonia (apathy, loss of interest in things once enjoyed) C. Social deviance C. Catastophizing _____8. A. On other days, he feels very depressed, inactive, and does not even get up from his bed. Intelligent people are more likely to suffer from severe forms of abnormality Ill never get into graduate school E. irrational or distorted thinking, Hallucinations are: E. irrational and distorted thinking patterns, Angelique has not left her house for two years, she is completely terrified of going out. D. Medulla and prefrontal cortex I must have done something wrong, Which theorists are associated with the humanistic model of understanding behavior? B. Disturbance of affect/emotional experience d. to identify and change the irrational thought patterns that have led to his anxiety Which personality disorder is Roger most likely to have? Which of the following are types of anxiety disorders? They block a different type of dopamine receptor than the traditional antipsychotics. A person obsessed with their own appearance, The cross-talk hypothesis is a mechanism for which of the following conditions? C. 7% e. agoraphobia, Which of the following biological factors is most likely to be considered in the cognitive explanation of anxiety disorders? A. Panic attacks can last more than an hour It left a deep on her, and she had vivid reactions in which she felt as if she were experiencing the traumatic accident all over again. B. A. C. Compulsions; obsessions E. young men are more likely than young women to be affected, and the pattern reverses in middle age, After getting into an automobile accident while fighting with her fianc, Chou reports that she cannot see. Which of the following best describes agoraphobia? E. emotional distress, Twin and adoptee studies provide strong evidence for a ______ factor involved in anxiety disorders. b. fear is a general feeling of anxiety or dread that is not specific to particular situations Which of the four D's is Natasha experiencing? E. sociocultural, Nagging, intrusive thoughts are called ______, and repetitive or ritual behaviors are called ______. Which of the following is an ability that Penny most likely lacks? c. 50% 20% She takes the help of her friend to search her apartment but she does not find any video cameras. C) This content does not have an English version. E. Guillermo, who experiences sudden, unexpected episodes of sheer terror, Regarding causes of suicide, which=high of the following statements is false? Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. B. D) a. acrophobia C. The stronger the diathesis, the less stress is needed to produce a disorder C. Conversion symptoms provide secondary gain D. Impulsivity With treatment, his self-inflicted harmful behavior reduces considerably. Severely traumatic incident Sometimes he seems to "freeze up" in an unusual body position for hours at a time. A. e. outcome, There are ______ major types of antidepressants, and they are called ______. b. a lack of feeling guilty. B. D, dismissing the positives Before 1952, scientists believed that dopamine ___. Pressured speech D. Excessive need for orderliness and attention to detail E. roy, who is continues to use drugs despite the effects on his health and functioning, Although they have different symptoms and characteristics, dissociative disorders and somatic symptom disorders are often grouped together because they both involve ______ defenses against ______. W- Weight loss/gain C Jack experiences panic attacks in his office and in the park where he goes jogging. C. Behavioral model D) Accumulated Depreciation Agoraphobia involves fearing and avoiding places or situations that might cause panic and feelings of being trapped, helpless or embarrassed. C. The role of classical conditioning in the development of phobias Eva is most likely suffering from ___. B. Olfactory E. African Americans and Native Americans, Based on available evidence, which of the following brain regions appears to be the most affected in cases of schizophrenia? An exit event The sensation lasts for several minutes, and he often believes he is "going crazy". This description sounds like a case of: C. Bodily sensations Feel free to get in touch with us via email. _____4. What will be the goal of Garths therapy? Multiple personality disorder A. Diathesis B) Fatigue or difficulty concentrating. In terms of the symptoms of schizophrenia, Tiana is: Gary reacts in an extreme manner to the slightest provocation. Social anxiety disorder b. classical conditioning C) B. C. Maladaptive behavior it shows participants that they are not alone in their experience, behavioral therapists employ the basic principles of operant conditioning through the use of ___ to treat maladaptive behaviors. Penny, a 4-year-old, has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A. E. Removal of inhibitions resulting in violent outbursts, Which ethnic groups have relatively higher rates of suicide? _____5. A. Childhood experiences D. Generalized anxiety disorder B. D. Neurotic E. biochemical imbalances, The American Psychiatric Association once considered homosexuality as a type of mental disorder, but no longer does today. Dysthymia is cyclic in nature and must last at least two weeks to receive a diagnosis, where major depressive disorder is a consistent feeling of sadness that must last at least two years. d. cognitive A. Dissociative disorders can involve amnesia B. Hypochondriasis C. Schizophrenia Caleb is likely to be treated with which type of drug? ( aaa is a positive constant. A. Panic disorder A person that takes every opportunity to bring attention to themselves e. more than 100,000, Caleb Burke is a hyperactive child with a poor attention span and disruptive behaviors. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Generalized anxiety disorder F- Fatigue, expectation that one cannot control important life outcomes, tendency to attribute negative outcomes (e.g., "why did I fail that test", "why wouldn't he/she go out with me") to factors that are internal rather than external ("It's my fault"), stable rather than unstable ("It will not change"), and global rather than specific ("This reflects ALL parts of my life") - leads to hopelessness, mood disorder characterized by substantial mood fluctuations, cycling between very low (depression) and very high (maniac) moods, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- ADHD, Autism, Asperger's syndrome, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- ADHD, childhood disorder characterized by inability to focus attention for more than a few minutes, to remain still and quiet, to do careful work, childhood disorder characterized by severe language and social impairment along with repetitive habits and inward focused behaviors, a childhood disorder at the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum; characterized by impaired social interest and skills and restricted interests, While 46% of the general population suffers from psychotic disorders, high percentages of people in creative areas such as poetry, theater, art, architecture, etc. E. variable course; during the persons thirties, Different personalities in dissociative identity disorder may demonstrate all of the following except: She is referred to a neurologist who finds no physical explanation for her condition. What might this look like? Genetic It negatively affects an individual's vocation. D. Difficulty committing to decisions Major depressive disorder is cyclic in nature and must last over two years to receive a diagnosis, where dysthymia is a consistent feeling of sadness that must last at least two weeks. A. Dissociative amnesia e. is largely the result of genetics, but can be influenced by learning, Garth goes to a psychodynamic therapist for treatment of his anxiety. C. Women are more likely than men to be affected C. Dissociative disorders are among the most mystifying of psychological disorders E. genetic factors, Schizophrenia may involve imbalances in nerve pathways that utilize which neurotransmitter? 1.The fight-or-flight response is poorly regulated in people who develop panic disorder. An intense anxiety about being in places from which escape might be difficult. When her mother points out a toy to make Penny look in that direction, Penny looks in a different direction. 2; minor and major tranquilizers M- Motor coordination difficulties C. Different traits and manners of speech D. A loss of memory with no identifiable physical cause B) B. not generally anxious people, but they will do almost anything to avoid coming in contact with the feared object. Jim is most likely to be suffering from: Eva was five years old when she survived a car crash that killed both her parents. b. social phobia They focus on helping him develop a nonjudgemental attitude toward himself. Less than 1% according to the National Institute of Mental Health, genetically, if a first- degree relative has schizophrenia, the odds of a person having the disorder rise to ___. c. less confrontation Dissociative identity disorder, Natasha has recently been feeling extremely sad and having thoughts of self-harm. a. is learned in much the same way that normal behavior is learned D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder He is frequently short of cash because he spends all his earnings buying larger and larger amounts of the drug. B. Neurosis D. Psychological illness People with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths D. Genetics Failure to chieve self-actualization - He speaks in rhyming phrases that don't make much sense. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. A. C. Multiple personality disorder B. Dissociative identity disorder A. Different genders Social deviance Which of the following best describes Dan's behavior? D) D. Brain abnormalities D. The ease with which instinctual fears are demonstrated in young children E. external, specific, and unstable, Approximately what percentage of men could be classified as having antisocial personality disorder? Cynthia is a schizophrenic who shows almost all of the symptoms related to the disorder. Suicide is closely linked to mood disorders D. Social anxiety disorder e. Jake, an 18-year-old male, As described in the text, behavioral models of abnormality assume that abnormal behavior: B. Prenatal brain trauma E. the disinhibition effect, A diathesis is a: He decides to take a medication called Gravol right when he awakes to alleviate the nauseous feeling. This suggests that Jack has developed ___. Coltraines fears are characteristic of: A. E. whether a person having a diathesis develops a particular disorder is primarily dependent on his or her cluster of personality traits, Edwina is constantly worried. d. Betty, a 50-year-old female B. A. Hippocampus All of the following may occur during his manic episodes except: Psychotic behavior Dyslexia She has felt sad and helpless ever since the tragic accident and can't stop thinking about him. B. E. 7 to 10%, Perhaps the earliest idea regarding abnormal behavior was that: Is genetically based d. is the result of a blockage of a persons natural potential A. Biochemical When individuals avoid places that cause panic attacks, they reduce their symptoms, thereby reinforcing this behavior. Multiple Choice -17 an intense anxiety of being evaluated negatively by others fear of interacting with strangers fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult an intense anxiety and fear of being out in public Previous question Next question He is unable to keep his emotions in check, and arguments heat up quickly such that Gary often attempts to harm himself. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Amos, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, has negative symptoms. guilt c.) disorganized speech d.) negative symptoms b.) E. the tendency for people with depression to show indifference toward their future, Because the anxiety is not tied to any particular object in generalized anxiety disorder, this type of anxiety is often described as: Which of the following treatments does Christopher undergo? In this case, it is likely that Laine would be classified as having: a. generalized anxiety disorder b. obsessive-compulsive disorder c. schizophrenia d. a phobic disorder D. a phobic disorder A, major depression has a relatively high rate of recurrence The sensation lasts for several minutes, and he often believes he is "going crazy". E. 12%, Genetic studies demonstrate that the concordance rate for schizophrenia is: E. irrational thoughts or distorted thinking lead to emotional problems, Personality disorders are a cluster of psychological disorders C. Gary, who believes that he is the son of George Washington D. Temporal lobes C. Functional neurological symptom disorder E. it fails to provide secondary gain, Eleanor is a quiet 41-year-old housewife. D. The failure of certain cultures to promote self-actualization B. Generalized anxiety disorder Which of the following therapies is Jason most likely undergoing? B. Somatic symptom disorder By what criterion is her behavior considered abnormal? C. Norepinephrine and serotonin E. the role of operant conditioning in fostering aggression, Critics of the concept of dissociative identity disorder suggest: Psychologists use multiple criteria in determining whether behavior is abnormal C. Dissociative identity disorder A. Dissociative identity disorder It represents a form of attention-seeking role playing Extreme euphoria and energy Wages Payable. Scott, who has a low-level state of anxiety that seems to travel with him wherever he goes C. Psychological; mania D. Usualness A. D. Obsession a steady stream of recent research has confirmed the role of which gene in the development of schizophrenia? A. Men are more likely than women to be affected Which of the following symptoms best relates to post traumatic stress disorder? D. Psychological; depression D. Carl Rogers An inability to learn from experience A. Which of the following is a behavioral therapy technique, often used for phobias, in which a therapist pairs relaxation with gradual exposure to a phobia object, generating a hierarchy of increasing contact with the feared object? E. the result of interruptions of ones sense of self-actualization, According to Freud, psychological symptoms: c. is largely unlearned, but can be brought under the influence of the environment E. Erik Erickson and Carl Jung, Regarding panic disorder, which of the following statements is false? c. persistent offensive thoughts that demand a certain behavior. flooding involves heavy exposure to a feared object, whereas systematic desensitization involves gradually making a person less sensitive to the feared object. She cannot really identify why she feels this way, and she finds it nearly impossible to relax. D. Social anxiety disorder 8. which of the following forms of treatment helps in treating negative symptoms of schizophrenia? guilt For the past few months, Melanie was feeling so sad that she could not leave her bed most mornings. who amongst the following is most likely to develop anxiety disorders? The interaction of genetic predisposition and stress Narcissistic personality disorder D) B. Delusion They do not want to go to school. Are a conscious cry for attention Harold is diagnosed with schizophrenia after it was observed that his brain size has changed considerably. ___ is defined as the process in psychotherapy in which a client reacts to a person in a present relationship as though that person were someone from the client's past. Personality disorders Autism Spectrum Disorder Major depressive disorder A. Manic-depression Which disorder is Ariana experiencing? C. Predisposition or vulnerability to a disorder Identify an accurate statement about the atypical antipsychotics that are used for the treatment of schizophrenia. B) Which of the following determines whether a behavior is a disorder or not? D. Tactile Involving extremely rigid patterns of behavior B. Panic disorder is characterized by intense physical symptoms B. Humanistic model E) Separation Anxiety Disorder. B. -Some ventricles (fluid-filled spaces in brain) are larger in schizophrenics than in normals, producing abnormalities in cerebral cortex, theory that certain mental disorders (such as schizophrenia) develop when people with a genetic or acquired vulnerability are exposed to high levels of stress, try to help clients view psychological problems as learned behaviors that can be changed, If past learning experiences can produce problems, method for reducing intense anxiety in which the client visualizes a graduated series of anxiety provoking stimuli while maintaining a state of relaxation, immediately exposing a fearful client to the most distressing item on the desensitization hierarchy, the client watches others perform the desired behavior, setting up rules that specify the behaviors to be strengthened through reinforcement, systems of reinforcing desirable behaviors with tokens that are later exchanged for desired rewards, learning to associate physical or psychological discomfort with behavior, thoughts, or situations the client wishes to stop, helping clients change the way they think as well as how they behave, 6 major categories of drugs used to treat mood and anxiety disorders, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and lithium, (SSRIs)- drugs prescribed primarily for depression and some anxiety disorders that work by making more serotonin available in the synapse, a class of anxiety reducing drugs that can be addictive, but are less dangerous than barbiturates which carry a risk of overdose, a salt that is prescribed for its ability to stabilize the mania associated with bipolar disorder, Phenothiazines, Tardive dyskinesia, Traditional antipsychotics, Atypical antipsychotics, drugs used to treat schizophrenia; help diminish hallucinations, confusion, agitation, and paranoia but also have adverse side effects, repetitive, involuntary movements of jaw, tongue, face, and mouth and body tremors resulting from the extended use of traditional anti-depressant drugs, historically, the first medications used to manage psychotic symptoms, newer antipsychotic drugs, which do not create tardive dyskinesia, Electroconvulsive therapy, Deep brain stimulation, ECT)- treatment of last resort for severe depression that involves passing an electrical current through a person's brain in order to induce a seizure, Helen Mayberg studies area 25 in brain, connected with thinking areas of prefrontal cortex and limbic structures involved in emotion- overactive area 25 could lead to negative thinking and depression e. antidepressant, compared to traditional psychoanalysis, modern psychoanalysis includes all of the following EXCEPT: His symptoms most clearly describe: A. Agoraphobia B. Post-traumatic stress disorder C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder D. Panic disorder E. generalized anxiety disorder. E. odd or eccentric, but not psychotic, behaviors, Which statement would be made by someone supporting a cognitive explanation for somatic symptom and related disorders? Hide Feedback Correct! c. mental disorders or mental illnesses B. She also tells the doctor that Sonya is always feeling either anxious or sad and that Sonya no longer enjoys going to the movies or going out with her friends. D. The role of psychosocial influences in creating a diathesis d. heightened activity in certain regions of the brain E. panic attacks initially begin because of their association with a specific situation, All but which of the following have been implicated in antisocial personality disorder? Although excessive anxiety is a symptom of GAD, it must occur repeatedly for at least 6 months. Borderline personality disorder C. When attempting suicide, men are more likely than women to choose pills or poison Each time he earned five stars, he was able to trade them in for a new toy. c. disturbances in the functioning of neurotransmitters E. Meghan, who is afraid of flying in airplanes, Pablo has an intense fear of giving oral presentations in class. The trigger stimuli must be in the context of the traumatic event to elicit anxiety, Which of the following best describes borderline personality disorder? d. major depressive He tends to miss a lot of school as a result of physical ailments, likely due to his dieting. D. More men attempt suicide, but more women complete the suicide act Is the result of unconscious processes - He demonstrates a lack of emotion and slowed speech. A, a loss of memory due to head trauma b. biological disorders After being diagnosed with major depression, Tracy finds herself struggling to manage the disorder. Since the attack, she has been overly cautious and watchful. increasing the availability of serotonin in the brain. e. heredity plays an important role in schizophrenia, but biological and environmental factors also play important roles, Regarding anxiety disorders, which of the following statements is false? Which of the following is least likely to be characteristic of a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? D. Unconscious aggressive desires Specific phobia Highly resistant to change B. Acrophobia; claustrophobia They have difficulty parting with possessions because of their deep intrinsic value A. His brain shows an enlargement in the fluid-filled spaces. E) Separation Anxiety Disorder. Accounts Receivable You may fear an actual or upcoming situation. D. Researchers have found that women and men tend to cope with depression differently, with men more likely to ruminate Some compulsions seem to be related to specific obsessions. D) Which of these is not one of those major symptoms? E. social influences on underlying biological factors, Dr. Tomlinson is a therapist working from the cognitive perspective. Which of the following is a significant difference between major depressive disorder and dysthymia? Owner, Withdrawals b. is best explained by a different set of learning principles than those governing normal behavior D. Schizophrenia typically develops in late childhood or early adolescence B. Based on this description, he is probably suffering from: Multiple Choice -17 an intense anxiety of being evaluated negatively by others fear of interacting with strangers fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult an intense anxiety and fear of being out in public. A. ___ disorder is a major psychological disorder characterized by motor tension, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectation or thoughts. D. Depression There are no gender differences in suicide attempts and suicide acts Christopher has borderline personality disorder. What do an overwhelming sense of impending doom, accompanied by heart palpitations, trembling, dizziness, intense dread, and even fear of dying refer to? Laine is so afraid of airplanes and flying that he even experiences extreme anxiety when he watches a plane in a movie take off or land. b. antisocial personality C. Nagging, intrusive thoughts A. Her brain scans showed that she had reduced brain activity in the hippocampus while performing verbal memory tasks. C. Adolescents who have a friend who attempted suicide are less likely yo attempt suicide themselves Experiencing a traumatic event is always followed by some form of PTSD a. D. Emotional distress Hence, they must have moved the video cameras before her search. B. E. hysteria, Humanistic theorists contend that abnormal behavior: A. Michael, who wears womens clothing when no one is looking In the blank space beside each account, write the letter C to which a normal account balance is extended on the work sheet. People who commit suicide are usually suffering from a psychological disorder, but are not insane c. operant conditioning

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which of the following symptoms best describes agoraphobia?