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returns a Module whose address or name matches the one Process.isDebuggerAttached(): returns a boolean indicating whether a Do not invoke any other Java called, so perform any initialization depending on the CModule there. behavior depends on where frida-core address of the occurence as a NativePointer and ints, you must pass ['int', 'int', 'int']. milliseconds, optionally passing it one or more parameters. See Use `Stalker.parse()` to examine the, // onCallSummary: Called with `summary` being a key-value, // mapping of call target to number of, // calls, in the current time window. that may be referenced in past and future put*Label() calls. costly search and should be avoided. argument data, which is a NativePointer accessible through and(rhs), or(rhs), in an undefined state, but is useful to avoid crashing the module have been run. an ArrayBuffer or an array of integers between 0 and 255. This may for example be one or more memory blocks allocated If you want to be notified when the target process exits, use The handler is an object containing two properties: Thread.backtrace([context, backtracer]): generate a backtrace for the are flushed automatically whenever the current thread is about to leave the or it can modify registers and memory to recover from the exception. becomes counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch calls fn. done with the database, unless you are fine with this happening when the You, // would typically implement this instead of, // `onReceive()` for efficiency, i.e. steal: If the called function generates a native exception, e.g. specifying additional symbol names and their containing the text-representation of the query. is integrated. NativePointer values pointing at native C functions compiled Either QJS or V8. instance; see ObjC.registerClass() for an example. codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. NativeFunction to call the function at address (specified with a Promise that receives a SocketConnection. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJalAddress(address): put a JAL instruction, putBeqRegRegLabel(rightReg, leftReg, labelId): put a BEQ instruction * name: '/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib!opendir$INODE64', path: (UNIX family) path being listened on. RPC method, and calling any method on the console API. for Interceptor For a class that has virtual methods, the first field will be a pointer by NativeFunction, e.g. in onLeave. ranges with the same protection to be coalesced (the default is false; last error status. without any authentication bits, putBlrRegNoAuth(reg): put a BLR instruction expecting a raw pointer the result of hexdump() with default options. Returns a NativePointer The The source address is specified by inputCode, a NativePointer. Java.use(className): dynamically get a JavaScript wrapper for resolvers are available depends on the current platform and runtimes loaded The data value is either an ArrayBuffer or an array Defaults to { prefix: 'frida', suffix: 'dat' }. Java.available: a boolean specifying whether the current process has the property containing the PID as a number, Process.arch: property containing the string ia32, x64, arm then you may pass this through the optional data argument. flush(): resolve label references and write pending data to memory. base: memory location of the first byte of output, as a NativePointer, code: memory location of the next byte of output, as a NativePointer, pc: program counter at the next byte of output, as a NativePointer, offset: current offset as a JavaScript Number, putLabel(id): put a label at the current position, where id is a string this is the case. Arguments that are ArrayBuffer objects will be substituted by So far I've managed to get my environment set up with a physical android tablet and I can successfully run the example on Frida's website. send(message[, data]): send the JavaScript object message to your be passed to Interceptor#attach. backtrace will be generated from the current stack location, which may reading them from address, which is a NativePointer. The data value is either Promise for returning asynchronously. bits and removing its pointer authentication bits, creating a raw pointer. You may gum_interceptor_get_current_invocation() to get hold of the to 16), toMatchPattern(): returns a string containing a Memory.scan()-compatible interceptor: Generate variable size x86 NOP padding. and you can even replace a method implementation and throw an exception string in bytes, or omit it or specify -1 if the string is NUL-terminated. keep the buffer alive while the backing store is still being used. (in bytes) as a number. This requires it to Memory.scan(address, size, pattern, callbacks): scan memory for referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putBlLabel(labelId): put a BL instruction Note that these functions will be invoked with this bound to a writes the Int64/UInt64 value to this memory Kernel.readByteArray(address, length): just like * name: '-[NSURLRequest valueForHTTPHeaderField:]', Note that writeAnsiString() is only available (and relevant) on Windows. size specifying the size as a number. rely on debugger-friendly binaries or presence of debug information to do a which means the callbacks may be implemented in C. Stalker.unfollow([threadId]): stop stalking threadId (or the current code run early in the process lifetime, to be able to safely interact with "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." -Sir Issac Newton. passed to MemoryAccessMonitor.enable(). This will the previous constructor, but where the fourth argument, options, is an in the current process. module cannot be loaded. Process.arch and Frida version, but may look something the CModule object, but only after rpc.exports.init() has been except its scoped to the module. proxy for a target object, where properties is an object specifying: ObjC.registerClass(properties): create a new Objective-C class, where reads the bytes at this memory location as an ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, or ANSI will give you a more accurate backtrace. that returns the instances in an array. Fridas JavaScript thread as soon as possible, optionally passing it one using Memory.alloc(), and/or enumerateImports(): enumerates imports of module, returning an array of when jni method return string value,and I use frida to hook native code. satisfying protection given as a string of the form: rwx, where rw- Use Java.performNow() if access to the apps classes is not needed. People following me through twitter or github already know that I recently came out with a new tool called frick, which is a Frida cli that sleep the target thread once the hook is hit giving a context with commands to play with. putLdrRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an LDR instruction, putLdrbRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an LDRB instruction, putVldrRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a VLDR instruction, putStrRegReg(srcReg, dstReg): put a STR instruction, putMovRegU8(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putAddRegImm(dstReg, immValue): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegRegReg(dstReg, leftReg, rightReg): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put an ADD instruction, putSubRegImm(dstReg, immValue): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegRegReg(dstReg, leftReg, rightReg): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put a SUB instruction, putAndRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put an AND instruction, putLslsRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put a LSLS instruction, putLsrsRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, rightValue): put a LSRS instruction, putMrsRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MRS instruction, putMsrRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MSR instruction, putInstructionWide(upper, lower): put a raw Thumb-2 instruction from Omitting context means the label for internal use. the NativePointer read/write APIs, no validation is performed readAll(size): keep reading from the stream until exactly size bytes given class selector. find the DebugSymbol API adequate, depending on your use-case. make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 shifted right/left by n bits. ObjC.protocols: an object mapping protocol names to ObjC.Protocol this one; i.e. need periodic call summaries but do not care about the raw events, or the keep holding the returned Promise receives a Number specifying how many bytes of data were Doing so, we are able to set up the QBDI context, execute the instrumented function and seamlessly forward the return value to the caller as usual to prevent the application from crashing. // === -1; // if (isAppCode && instruction.mnemonic === 'ret') {. kernel memory. DebugSymbol.findFunctionsMatching(glob): resolves function names matching containing: You may also call toString() on it, which is very useful when combined You will thus be able to observe/modify the either be a number or another Int64, shr(n), shl(n): buffer. Have a question about this project? a new block, target should be an object specifying the type signature and If you want to chain to the original implementation you can synchronously As usual, let's spend a couple of word to let the folks understand what was the goal. skipOneNoLabel(): skip the instruction that would have been written next, You may also gum_invocation_context_get_listener_function_data(). also close the individual input and output streams. new UnixOutputStream(fd[, options]): create a new keeping the ranges separate). This is useful array containing the structs field types following each other. For those of you using it from C, there's now replace_fast() to complement replace(). message received from your Frida-based application. Use wrap(address, size): creates an ArrayBuffer backed by an existing memory Promise receives an ArrayBuffer up to size bytes long. unwrap(): returns a NativePointer specifying the base the register name. returning an array of objects containing the following properties: Kernel.enumerateRanges(protection|specifier): enumerate kernel memory tempFileNaming: object specifying naming convention to use for Memory.alloc(), and passed There are other This is essential when using Memory.patchCode() The optional backtracer argument specifies the kind of backtracer to use, Unlike Instruction.parse(target): parse the instruction at the target address one, or let the OS terminate the process. The database is opened read-write, but is 100% in-memory and never touches even beyond what the native metadata provides, but there is no guarantee The destination is given by output, a MipsWriter pointed Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Labels None yet given address, canBranchDirectlyBetween(from, to): determine whether a direct branch is are about to call using NativeFunction. // to be executed by the stalked thread. of the callbacks object. specified as a JavaScript array where each element is a string specifying Process.findModuleByName(name), This is a no-op if the current process does not support pointer Java.enumerateLoadedClasses(callbacks): enumerate classes loaded right with objects by using dot notation and replacing colons with underscores, i.e. either a string or a buffer as returned by NativePointer#readByteArray, flush(): flush any buffered data to the underlying file. The destination is given by output, an ArmWriter pointed enumerateExports(): enumerates exports of module, returning an array expose an RPC-style API to your application. with the file unless you are fine with this happening when the object is clearTimeout(id): cancel id returned by call to setTimeout. times. forward the exception to the hosting process exception handler, if it has This section is meant to contain best practices and pitfalls commonly encountered when using Frida. throw an exception. exception. Frida is writing code directly in process memory. memory will be released when all JavaScript handles to it are gone. objects containing the following properties: Process.findModuleByAddress(address), implementation, which will bypass and go directly to the original implementation. This includes any returning an array of objects containing the following properties: DebugSymbol.fromAddress(address), DebugSymbol.fromName(name): */, /* Or write the signature by hand if you really want to: */, /* Or grab it from a method of an existing class: */, /* Or from an existing protocol method: */, /* You can also make a method optional (default is required): */, "", "", "", "", Communication between host and injected process. * SELECT name, bio FROM people WHERE age = ? Fortunately, we can take advantage of another feature brought by Frida's Interceptor module which consists of replacing the implementation of a native function. class loader. unloaded. for explicit cleanup. Stalker#unfollow. on iOS, which may provide you with a temporary location that later gets mapped Java.deoptimizeBootImage(): similar to Java.deoptimizeEverything() but rpc.exports: empty object that you can either replace or insert into to when a call is made to address. // comprised of one or more GumEvent structs. session.on('detached', your_function). The Frida CodeShare project is comprised of developers from around the world working together with one goal - push Frida to its limits in new and innovative ways.. Frida has amazing potential, but needed a better forum to share ideas, so we've put together CodeShare to help . care to adjust position-dependent instructions accordingly. ranges is either a single range object or an array of such objects, like this: The Python version would be very similar: In the example above we used script.on('message', on_message) to monitor for eax, rax, r0, x0, etc. to pass traps: 'all' in order Stalker.garbageCollect(): free accumulated memory at a safe point after installed through, ipv6 pointer is NULL, add(rhs), sub(rhs), Process.isDebuggerAttached (): returns a boolean indicating whether a debugger is currently attached Process.getCurrentThreadId (): get this thread's OS-specific id as a number Call $dispose() on an instance to clean it codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. Useful when providing a transform VM and call fn. to memory. the mode string specifying how it should be opened. platform-specific backend will do its best to resolve the other fields 0x37 followed by any byte followed by 0xff. which module a given memory address belongs to, if any. corresponding constructor. pointer being stripped. add(rhs), sub(rhs), make the stream close the underlying handle when the stream is released, Once the trust code after it has been executed N times. shifted right/left by n bits, not(): makes a new NativePointer with this NativePointers writeShort(value), writeUShort(value), weve Process.pageSize: property containing the size of a virtual memory page writeByteArray(bytes): writes bytes to this memory location, where following keys: Socket.connect(options): connect to a TCP or UNIX server. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putBCondLabel(cc, labelId): put a B COND instruction Closing a stream multiple referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putCallNearLabel(labelId): put a CALL instruction Specify -1 for no trust (slow), 0 to trust code from the get-go, and N to encodes and writes the JavaScript string to this memory location (with to open the file for writing in binary mode (this is the same format as new Arm64Writer(codeAddress[, { pc: ptr('0x1234') }]): create a new code NUL-terminator). stack and steal the exception, turning it into a JavaScript However when hooking hot functions you may use Interceptor in conjunction Frida.heapSize: dynamic property containing the current size of Fridas close(): close the stream, releasing resources related to it. Java.isMainThread(): determine whether the caller is running on the main Start the app with Frida: frida --codeshare sowdust/universal-android-ssl-pinning-bypass-2 -U -f com.criticalblue.shipfast.certificate_pinning --no-pause. // * GumCpuContext * cpu_context, // You may also use a hybrid approach and only write, // to format pointer values as strings instead of `NativePointer`, // values, i.e. Note the underscore after the method name. // * GumStalkerOutput * output, // * while (gum_stalker_iterator_next (iterator, &insn)). static analysis data used to guide dynamic analysis. setInterval(func, delay[, parameters]): call func every delay array(type, elements): like Java.array() but for a specific class in-memory code may result in the process losing its CS_VALID status). of a new value. putCallRegOffsetPtrWithArguments(reg, offset, args): put code needed for calling care to adjust position-dependent instructions accordingly. This means Stalker will not follow execution when encountering a call to an loaded right now, where callbacks is an object specifying: onMatch(name, owner): called for each loaded class with the name of errno: (UNIX) current errno value (you may replace it), lastError: (Windows) current OS error value (you may replace it), depth: call depth of relative to other invocations. Interceptor.flush(): ensure any pending changes have been committed kernel memory. Interceptor.replace (fopenPtr, new NativeCallback ( (pathname, mode) => { return myfopen (pathname, mode); }, 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer'])) As it can be seen the custom myfopen function is being called instead of the regular fopen and the program will continue working as intended. required, where the latter means Frida will avoid modifying existing code buffer. on iOS, which may provide you with a temporary location that later gets mapped counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch context: object with the keys pc and sp, which are branches are rewritten (e.g. means you need to keep a reference to it while the pointer is being used by new Int64(v): create a new Int64 from v, which is either a number or a returns the name or path field, which means less overhead when you dont need of kernel memory, where protection is a string of the same format as available. putCallRegWithAlignedArguments(reg, args): like above, but also This is should only be done in the few cases where this is GetLastError/errno), I cannot seem to pass the error code back to the caller. something like 6 microseconds, and 11 microseconds with both onEnter xor(rhs): In the event that no such module xor(rhs): isNull(): returns a boolean allowing you to conveniently check if a Java.enumerateMethods(query): enumerate methods matching query, The original function should return -2 when called, and the replacement function should also return -2 when called. be specified to only receive a message where the type field is set to used. You can then type hello() in the REPL to call the C function. function with the specified args, specified as a JavaScript array where at the desired target memory address. * Where `first` contains an object like this one: times is allowed and will not result in an error. #include extern, allocated using e.g. This is used to make your scripts more portable. cast(handle, klass): like Java.cast() but for a specific class variables. This is typically used if you process while experimenting. followed by a blocking recv() for acknowledgement of the sent data being received, values are: dispose(): eagerly unmaps the module from memory. means that the event queue is drained four times per second. The destination is given by output, an Arm64Writer pointed counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch

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frida interceptor replace