lausd daily pass loginwhat tragedies happened at the biltmore estate

.sl-row-container__center-justify { 10% { .sl-chrome-recovered-draft__table { dialogLinkCallback: function (data) { color: #fff; z-index: 15; } callBack(); var rightCrop = origImgWidth - parseInt(results.points[2]); height: auto; } * outline:none; jQuery.ajax({ this.$super(toolbar); height: 100%; display: block; __init__: function (toolbar) { -webkit-border-radius: 5px; if ((this.oldOpen != null) && (this.oldOpen.parents(".jsDropdownStayOpen").length > 1 && this.oldOpen !== hiddenContent)) { width: 100px !important; height: 30px; //sl.log("init PromoNavigation"); this.saveName(); .cms2-preview-module__get-started--iframe--close { }, this.block_id = options.block_id; }, } if ( richTextEditor != null ) this.initListeners(); * this.testDeferred.resolve(test, img.src) this.progressInstance = new ProgressBar(options); /*padding:10px 0; */ } } { var formID = jQuery(data).find("form").attr("id"); */ this.jsToolbar = toolbar.getModuleToolbar(); display: none; }; overflow-y: scroll; .sl-cms2-bg-theme_footer .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light .sl-cms2-plustext{ url += "?group_id=" + variables["group_id"] + "&period_id=" + variables["period_id"] + "&ajax_scope=" + variables["ajax_scope"];//sending data didn't work if (!validatedValue) { __init__: function (toolbar) { }, 100); font-style: italic; padding-right: 5px; } } } { .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--interior-nav-menu { .sl-cms2-admin-bar--green .sl-cms2-admin-bar__tab-item--selected { color: #ffffff; moduleToolbarContainerID: "id-cms-toolbar", done: jQuery.proxy(this.doneHandler, this), .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__color-item--black, .cms2-uploader__drag-zone--dragover.cms2-uploader__drag-zone--file--dragover:after { }); .cms2-calendar-schedule-display__event-description { Please call for support with mental health, immunizations, health insurance, food & housing, enrollment, and more. var dialogData ="dialog") || null; }, + this.containerClass + " ." { var getURL = "/pf4/cms2/view_page"; }, sl.addAjaxScope(variables); vertical-align: middle; var image = jQuery('.image-holder'); }) font-size: 20px; } } } cursor: pointer; padding: 3px 0 3px 3px; sl.log("fetching status"); height: "100%", jQuery("#" + this.titleDisplay).show(); color: #c00 !important; .sl-chrome-app-bar__user-site-status { }; padding: 10px 5px 10px 10px; } .jsDropButton:active { } height: 160px; checkboxChangeHandler: function (event) { background-position: 0px -1200px; this.drawerUrl ="drawer-url"); color: #000000; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#7fcccccc, endColorstr=#7fcccccc); .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--italic { font-size: 13px; .cms2-selectable-module--semi-selected > .cms2-selectable-module__module_title { /*border: 1px solid green;*/ }; attributePrefix: "" padding: 0 0 5px 0; } } .sl-chrome-flex-column { loadNewLink: function () var editor = EditCMS2Page.findModule(); var options = { variables["edit_form_data"] = formDataID; css = { } if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { } this.close(); .sl-cms2-module-picker-large-preview-edit-overlay__link { this.editorHandler.toggleStartOfTemplate(); variables["mod"] = mod; padding: 5px; }; justify-content: center; /* uploader */ .jsPlaceholder:empty:not(:focus):before { //

sl.log("autoSave " + this.moduleID); height: 100px; position: absolute; var opacity = target.val(); margin: 0 1em 1em 0; }, .sl-cms2-bg-interior .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light .sl-cms2-text{ }); @media (max-width: 480px) { formData: data, }) }, this.checkbox = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsHoverOrClickDrop"); return attributes }, } variables["field_name"] = this.fieldName; vex.close(; window[objectName] = this; padding: 10px 0 0 0; } var variables = {} } for (key in attributes) { .horizontal_form_elements .form-field, this.loadOrToggle(); .sl-cms2-appearance-center__action-content { text-transform: none; this.updateField(this.textbox); .sl-cms2-module-picker { var id = this.editorHandler.getBlockID(); } background: transparent; var url = this.uploadUrl; saveTitle: function (title) {, ev) color: #ffffff; success: jQuery.proxy(this.saveRoleOnPageSuccessHandler, this) position: absolute; iframe.attr("src",null); addSelectedStyle: function () { >> Access the Daily Pass now at width: 60px; Una inversin anual de $20 millones en el mantenimiento de sistemas de filtracin de aire optimizados. }; buttonClickHandler: function (event) { element = this.findDropZone(this.dropzone); list-style-type: none; __classvars__: { } } $1.7 million investment in 1,750 portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) scrubber units for rapid deployment to any affected space where an HVAC service call has been initiated. line-height: normal; { __init__: function (toolbar) { background: #fff !important; color: red; var ajaxContent = this.getAjaxContent(); text-align: left; getModuleToolbar: function () { this.setImageOnlyCropAttribute(attributes); color: #ffffff; jQuery("#" + this.urlField).val(embedURL); .sl-cms2-image-gallery__link { /*opacity: .5;*/ sl.log("stop"); .jsAccordionRow:active { var RichTextEditorFixed = RichTextEditor.$extend({ this.fileDropFallback = null; this.messageClass = settings.messageClass; this.listenForResize = options.listenForResize; .sl-cms2-title-bar__breadcrumb--current-page:focus, variables["object_name"] = this.fieldID; targetModule.nextAll(".cms2-selectable-module").first().find(".jsDisplayOnlyLollipop:first").addClass("sl-cms2-module-dropzone-arrow-up"); 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color: #000; contentClassName: "sl-dialog-wide", The science is clear vaccinations are an essential part of protection against COVID-19. } selectBlock: function () { var isVisible = this.toggleDropdown(); sl.addAjaxScope(variables); .quick_unit .wide_input_box, background: #fff5eb; } OIG Hotline; Harassment Hotline; padding: 0; this.drawerClose.on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.clickDrawerCloseHandler, this)); .sl-cms2-table-style__col_header th a, }) background-color: white; } open_in_new_window: open __init__: function (defaults, options) { background-size: 25px 25px; background-color: #000; } }; margin: 0; } }); .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--preview { font-size: 16px; } float: left; this.setAttribute(attributes); margin: 0px; var variables = {}; jQuery("#liveTemplate .jsPeriodNumber").text("period_number")); background: #edebe6; this.$super(toolbar); this.addLinkDialog.close(); this.close(); width: width display: inline-block; background: #efefef; display: inline-block; .jsAccordionRow:focus, dialogHtml.find("[name=open_in_new_window]").prop("checked", this.edittingData["open"]); cursor: pointer; //N.B} jsDropdownInline must be first class item.find(".jsSize").text(file_size); .sl-cms2-bg-interior .sl-cms2-bg-accent { */ var leftMargin = (bodyWidth - maxWidth) / 2; .sl-cms2-image-gallery__svg-download { itemsContainer: this.jsProgressItemHolder font-size: 0.8em; Students and families that have questions or concerns regarding the COVID-19 vaccine requirement are encouraged to call our family hotline at 213-443-1300 and review our, Abbott BinaxNOWTM COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test, AccessBio CareStartTM COVID-19 Antigen Home Test, ACON FlowflexTM COVID-19 Antigen Home Test. // background_region: backgroundWidthClass height: "1024px" autoSaveHandler: function (event) { if ( this.textboxUpdater == null ) this.blockElement.find(".z-index-350").removeClass("z-index-350"); .sl-cms2-locker-tree__item ul { font-size: 28px; { //handle enter key in forms //sl.log("init ToolbarTools") toggleDrawer: function (button) { font-weight: 600; return this.blockID; }, Su hijo/a deber hacerse una prueba casera de deteccin rpida y podr volver a la escuela si la prueba es negativa, cuando los sntomas hayan mejorado y si el menor no presenta fiebre durante 24 horas sin haber tomado medicamentos antifebriles. } this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsMakeListOfLinks"); 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} var Layout = ToolbarTools.$extend({ color:#ffffff } var value = CKEDITOR.instances[].getData(); if ( data.percentComplete != null ) { window.location = sl.getTimeoutURL(); } text-align: left;"sladd", jQuery.proxy(addHandler, this)); } font-size: 22px; } } } .sl-cms2-bg-theme_header .sl-cms2-bg-accent { //sl.log("init BackgroundColor"); margin: 0; } display: table-cell; this.addLinkDialog.createDialog(); -webkit-border-radius: 2px; this.endDate = jQuery(this.endId).datepicker("getDate"); margin-top: 16px !important; margin: 0 20px; __init__: function (toolbar) { addingChild: (this.editorHandler.getBlockElement().closest(".cms2-selectable-module").hasClass("jsAddChildBlockLink")), if (jQuery(element).is("a")) { padding: 5px; padding: 0 0 20px; box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); getCropAttributes: function () { var newFontSize = parseInt(elementClone.css('font-size')); } font-size: 1.5em; A negative rapid antigen test is recommended but not required to return day 6-10. }, sl.log("selectFromLockerHandler"); padding: 10px 15px; return false; attributes: attributes, } background: #003399; The file may have a virus"); font-size: 1em; sl.log("update long action"); this.blockElement.animate({ } background-color: #ececec; background: transparent url( no-repeat -1px -13px; .sl-cms2-link-list__placeholder { .sl-cms2-menu-alt-vertical__list-item--selected a { var newActiveToolbar = this.jsModuleToolbar.clone(true).attr("id", null).css("display", "flex"); flex-direction: column; //sl.log("init ParentsDropdown") .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_header{ }, this.contents = jQuery("#jsAddEventIframe").contents(); font-size: 0.85em; box-shadow: none; background: transparent url( no-repeat -2px -62px; } } if (':empty')) { flex: 0 0 auto; overflow-y: scroll; var defaults = { color: #ff6c00; .sl-cms2-link-list__link--document { }); } return this.jsModuleToolbar; "overflow": "auto" setupCSSModifierClasses: function(index, element) { for (var i = 0; i < this.buttonIDs.length; i++) { display: block; this.editorHandler.initUploader(videoOptions); 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All school campuses will also continue to monitor rapid antigen test results and notify individuals if they are a close contact with someone who has tested positive. var dialogData = { display: flex; { } }); initCKEditor: function (newSettings) { deleteSuccessHandler: function (block_id) { setRefreshArea: function(id) jQuery("#" + this.urlField).val(null); this.select_button = jQuery("#select_button"); 'jsVideoLoaded': CMS2TitleAccordion.handleLoadedContent } formatFileSize: function (bytes, unit) { var pageParameterName ="page-parameter-name"); this.itemTemplateClass = "null"; text-transform: lowercase; }, display: inline-block!important; if (this.slideshowControllerInstance == null && this.blockElement.find(".jsDeselectModule").length == 0) { #div_add { .sl-cms2-table-style__row_header th a, display: -webkit-flex; border-radius: 3px; font-size: 15px; text-decoration: none; var options = { { .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-picker--radio-button:checked ~ .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-picker__overlay { var VideoOptions = ToolbarTools.$extend({ box-shadow: 0px -2px 2px #999; 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position: relative; this.fromLockerURL = fromLockerURL; .sl-cms2-admin-bar__tab-item--selected { background: #dddddd; z-index: 10; Disinfection of all high-touch surfaces twice daily. -moz-transform: skew(0deg, -6deg); result.error(function (data) { } .sl-chrome-copy-to-clipboard__button { /* background-color: #E1E1E1; */ margin: 2px 0; color: #003366; } } if (event == "cancel") }, callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setAttributeSuccess, this), .token-input-input-token input { if ((response != null) && (response.statusCode == "reload")) { font-size: 12px; __init__: function (toolbar) { }) jQuery(document).on({ background-position: 0px -3500px; } if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { outline: 3px solid red; margin-right: 5px; //api = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsLockPick"); background-color: transparent; margin-left: 5px; height: 20px; } justify-content: space-between; addUnselectButton: function () { variables["field_name"] = this.fieldName; .sl-cms2-locker-tree__link--current .sl-cms2-bg-theme_footer{ attributes: attributes, }, //end } /*Styles for Table Properties Dialog*/ } overflow: auto; 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this.selectedName ="col"); .cms2-preview-module__get-started--iframe--wrapper { subtitle: subtitle darkenerElement.css({ loadFromLocker: function () .sl-chrome-app-bar__button-container--user-site-left { var DocumentAttachment = Class.$extend({ } background: #f5f5f5 none repeat scroll 0 0; vex.closeAll(); } .addClass("cms2-draggedModule-helper") result = this.fileStatusMap[fileName]; var current = jQuery(".jsDropdownMenu ." }, display:none; .sl-cms2-tree-panel { this.$super(toolbar); var cmsModule = EditCMS2Page.findModule(); } variables["before_id"] = destinationID; var element = this.dropzone; } else { .sl-chrome-sitemap__home { this.dialogCssClasses = options.dialogCssClasses; } this.formData = { if ( CKEDITOR.instances[] != null ) border-style: solid; } /* RW changes 1/13/17 */ event.stopPropagation(); }, background: #f90; title ="title"); width: 17px; var selectType = jQuery("select-type"); __init__: function(previewURL, urlField, iFrameID, iFrameDivID) contentClassName: "sl-dialog-medium", "add-assignment-standard": "AddAssignmentStandard" } */ return div.innerHTML; 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this.drop(draggedID, destination) background-color: red; .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-picker--radio-button:checked ~ .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-picker__overlay .cms2-editor-dialog__table-style-picker__link:after { /* }, } background: #f2f2f2; } jQuery.ajax({ Acceleration Days (April 3rd & 4th), registration window extended to March 29. toggleLinkShareModeHandler: function (event) } In addition to completing a daily health check through the app, users will be able to book COVID-19 tests and receive test results and messages. }; padding: 0; }); }, } .sl-cms2-menu-alt-vertical__add-item, }, variables.object_name = objectName; min-height: 350px; } height:400px !important; .sl-chrome-conversion-status__info-text { urlChangeHandler : function(event) border-radius: 3px; var field = jQuery(id); display: inline-block; updatePage: function (block_id) { dialogArea.empty().append(data); display: flex; background: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.5); background-position: 0 -306px; padding-top: 20px; } contentClassName: "sl-dialog-wide", jQuery.ajax({ } + this.dragOverlayClass); } background-position: right; }); formDataUpdate.event = "upload"; -webkit-user-select: auto; /* Safari */ .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--media { setupElementQueries: function() { position: relative; return false; background: #113C78; .sl-cms2-image-files__thumbnail-preview { }, } .sl-cms2-page-modules__preview-image { height: 6px; position: absolute; jQuery(this.textbox).change(jQuery.proxy(this.updateTextbox, this)); .sl-chrome-admin-center__toolbar--space-between { padding-left: 1.35em; type: "POST", contentClassName: 'image-popup', background-color: #000; }); }; this.jsModuleToolbarContainer.css("postion:relative"); .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--slideshow { var path = jQuery("#jsAddEventIframe")[0].contentWindow.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; z-index: 1020; margin: 4px 5px; this.blockElement.prepend(deselectHolder);

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lausd daily pass login