what was slims reaction to curley's wife's deathjason hill this is a robbery

Lennie's Death In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck. Carlson follows Curley out of the barn, going for his Luger. Taking the puppys body with him, he flees toward the meeting place that George designates at the books openingthe clearing in the woods. Why isnt Curleys wifes name ever revealed? What does this show us about his character? The men of Weed ran George and Lennie out of town, and the two escaped by hiding in an irrigation ditch until nightfall. Summary and Analysis He decides to tell George that he found it dead but then realizes that George will see through this lie. Curley and Slim are characters in " Of Mice and Men ." When Curley's wife died, they both had the same reaction. For example, George warns Lennie not to drink too much water and has to repeatedly remind him where they are heading, saying, So you forgot that awready, did you? Lennie is smiling with delight as he dreams about the future farm, ignorant that he has attracted Curleys humiliated anger. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. Answers 3. We support DOC and TXT formats.Maximum allowable size is 10MB. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% However, in the final moments before her death, Steinbeck presents his sole female character sympathetically. As Lennie envisions the dream that seemed so close a few days ago, George shoots him as Carlson shot Candy's dog, and like the dog, without a quiver, Lennie dies. All Rights Reserved. Dont have an account? Lennie's death and how he dies is very sad. He countenance and body language are almost Christ-like as he gently checks her pulse and neck. When Lennie realizes that George is not going to beat him or leave him, he playfully finishes the story, and he adds why they are different from the others: "An' I got you. Candy says they need to let Lennie get away because Curley will lynch him, but George realizes how hopeless escape would be. Her hair is soft. Latest answer posted August 09, 2017 at 8:49:59 AM. . Do George and Candy still plan to buy the dream farm after Lennies death? His only concern is rounding up the men to hunt down Lennie and see that he is punished. Lennie sees no difference between killing her and killing an animal. I didnt bounce you hard. Worrying that George will be angry and will not let him raise the rabbits on their farm, he starts to bury it in the hay. Carlson and the others cannot fathom why George is upset. He doesn't intend to kill them - it just happens. Lennie, however, is still trying to figure out how to get rid of the dead pup so that George won't know. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. As George realizes what Lennie has done, the painful mission that he must undertake becomes clear to him. Want 100 or more? Once she lies lifeless on the hay, Steinbeck writes that all the marks of an unhappy life have disappeared from her face, leaving her looking pretty and simple . . Lennie has broken her neck. Why is he so angry at what has happened? Continue to start your free trial. The death of Curley's wife sets off a chain reaction for the events that close out "Of Mice and Men". I knowed his Aunt Clara. They freaked Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. New User? After Slim denies Curleys accusation that he was hanging around Curleys wife, Curley looks to take his anger out on an easier target, and chooses Lennie. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. George's silence is the answer, dashing Candy's hope of escaping the ranch and living out his final years in comfort among friends. Purchasing I agree with Slim because George is a friendly face and will show more . This tells us that he listens and he cares. She took him in when he was a baby and raised him up. Lennie experiences two visions in this last scene. Read more about loneliness and companionship as a motif. Candy finds Curley's wife and runs out to find George, who, upon seeing the body, knows what happened. Comment by jessicaxo April 30, 2007 @ 8:25 pm Use Cramer's rule, whenever applicable, to solve the system, {3pq=712p+4q=3\left\{\begin{aligned} 3 p-q & =7 \\ -12 p+4 q & =3\end{aligned}\right. This shows us that he is caring and that hes not heartless like the rest of the men in the book. . Why Walden's rule not applicable to small size cations. Lennie becomes so angry that he hurls the dead puppy across the barn. He was probably in shock. from your Reading List will also remove any He blames Lennie as soon as he sees his wife, I know who done it he reacts with anger, Im going for my shotgun. Change). 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. I aint wanted in the bunk house, and you aint wanted in my room.. Whenever George is with the other ranch workers, I think he feels embarrassed and ashamed of Lennies actions as it says, his hat was so far down on his forehead that his eyes were covered this shows us he scared and wont make eye contact with the others. The more she struggles, the tighter his grip becomes, and he shakes her until her body goes limp. Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket? Curley's wife's name is never revealed as a way of showing her lack of independence and identity while also displaying the role of women on a ranch in the 1930s. When his Aunt Clara died, Lennie just come along with me out workin. Candy also shows anger at the death of Curley's wife, because her death destroys his dream of going off and living with George and Lennie on their "little piece of land." Applying the sum formula to the following infinite geometric series gives the result that a series of positive terms adds up to a negative number. This is symbolic of life and death being part of nature. Picking up the dead pup, he leaves to go to the hiding place. Like many of Lennies destructive incidents, his puppy dies because Lennie cant control his own strength. Steinbeck uses imagery to portray how Candy reacts when he finds her, his face was hard and tight as wood, and his eyes were hard this gives us the idea that he is angry and is trying to bottle up his anger. With Reference in ways Steinbeck presents the death of Curleys wife, Show how the characters react in different ways. What is the cast of surname sable in maharashtra? As . She shows herself to be a flirt, a conscious temptress, and a manipulator. for a customized plan. How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? Following his comment, Curley's wife chatters on, explaining more about her lost chance to become an actress and how she met Curley. Summary and Analysis "Lennie sat in the hay and looked at the little dead puppy that lay in front of him.". I donlikeCurley. creating and saving your own notes as you read. What is sunshine DVD access code jenna jameson? You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Slim shows that he is said that both Lennie and Curlys wifes death. Got kinda used to each other after a little while. George explains to Slim that even though Lennie can be a challenge, their friendship and companionship make life better for both of them. Why does Curley wear a glove on one hand? While the initial reaction to her death is a manhunt led by Curley, her death . Candy asserts that he and George can still have their farm, but George realizes that it will never happen. slim probably did this to help george get his mind off of lennie. Hearing the horseshoe game outside, he understands that someone will come in sooner or later and discover the bad thing he has done. Maybe I will yet . Question 8. One lean finger touched her cheek, and then his hand went under her slightly twisted neck and his fingers explored her neck. What was Curley's reaction to his wife's death: Curley was furious: . Curley, carrying a shotgun, tells Carlson to take Crooks' shotgun, and the men leave, taking George with them to find Lennie. How did Slim reacted to curley's wife death? We got each other, that's what, that gives a hoot in hell about us." Curley's wife's death means that she can no longer pursue her dream of being in the movies. Latest answer posted November 19, 2020 at 6:35:21 PM. Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice? slims reaction to lennie and curlys wifes death was thta he was sad because he likes everyone. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Immediately he remembers to hide in the brush until George comes. George will pretend that he has not seen the body and act surprised when Candy delivers the news. Carlson shoots Candys dog because it is old, sick, and no longer able to work as a sheep dog. this shows that he has a caring character. This shows us that he cares about everyone. . When Curley found out that Lennie was dead he was really happy and forgot all about his wife's death. for a group? I didn't bounce you hard.". Sometimes it can end up there. Here, as in the earlier scene with Candys dog, Slim becomes the voice of reason, pointing out that the best option for Lennie now is for him to be killed. Please wait while we process your payment. The same is true for the others' reactions to Lennie's death. He countenance and body language are almost Christ-like as he gently checks her pulse and neck. Continue to start your free trial. From the first pages of the novella, Steinbeck makes it clear that Lennie is different. Slim went over to Curleys wife to see if she was alright, he cared for her, even more than Curley did at the moment. Slims reaction to Curelys wifes death was shocked becauce he though she was just sleeping. Curley doesn't show any affection for his wife - he just wants revenge. bookmarked pages associated with this title. He now knows that he's just killing time until he gets the "can" from the farm. It is Sunday afternoon and Lennie is alone in the barn, sitting in the hay and stroking the dead body of his puppy. It helps build a sense that it's inevitable that Lennie will end up killing Curley's wife. "Now her rouged cheeks and her reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly. Her loneliness becomes the focus of this scene, as she admits that she too has an idea of paradise that circumstances have denied her. George is more concerned about Lennie than Curley's wife. Lennies flight from the barn shifts the focus of the narrative to George. George worries that the other men will think that he had something to do with the death of Curleys wife, so he instructs Candy how to inform them. Slims reaction to Curleys wife, wasnt surprising at all. Your membership to AntiStudy is free! The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Curley's wife died, they both had the same reaction. April 30, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. He grabs a hold of her hair and muffles her screams. "You done it, di'n't you. from your Reading List will also remove any In neither of these visions does Lennie experience feelings of remorse or guilt for what he did to Curley's wife. Lennie first reacts to his actions by thinking he knocked her out and was confused, but then realized he killed her. Curley's wife tells Lennie of her life and her missed opportunity to travel with the show that came through her hometown. Wed love to have you back! She is mockingly referred to as a "Lulu," the same name for Slim's dog, described as a bitch who just "slang nine pups." "She'd be better off dead," is the opinion of Candy's old dog, and that attitude is undoubtedly mirrored toward the lone woman. Want 100 or more? SLim is the first one to check to see if Curleys wife is alilve. She took him in when he was a baby and raised him up. Even though there is never a specific diagnosis given to Lennie, he seems to have a different intellectual ability than the other adult men just as Slim describes when he says, Hes jes like a kid, aint he. He's now resigned to meaningless life drifting from ranch to ranch. Removing #book# Why isnt Curleys wifes name ever revealed? From Lennie stroking his dead puppy in the barn to Curley leading a mob of men to find and kill Lennie. His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. Slim holds an unchanging, respected role at the ranch. Renews May 7, 2023 CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. {3pq12p+4q=7=3. Earlier in the novel, Slim told Candy it would be better to put his dog down, better for their "society" as a whole. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. His anger seems more inspired by the beating he took at Lennie's hands in chapter 3 and not the fact that his wife is dead. Hes a very respectable person, so its no surprise he showed some sadness, no matter who she was, Same to Lennie, but he probably liked him a bit more than Curleys wife. . There is no place for innocence or people who look out for each other. This shows that hes a very caring person. I was jus playin with him . Slim was the first one to Curleys wife when she was found and he was the first one to Lennie when they found him dead. The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were parted.". In other words, she is Curley's possession, confined to a dependent role as "wife." Curley's wife's unhappiness and regret are directly connected to this lack of autonomy. He really does, so when he heard about Curleys wife and Lennie he was upset. By picking on Lennie, Curley demonstrates that he is willing to prey on the most vulnerable in order to maintain his dominance over the workers. George makes his need for Lennie clear when he tells Slim about the incident at the river. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Slim reacts very supprised and shocked when he sees Curleys wife laying dead and he acts very caring because he is the first one to go over to her. . George finds Lennie . Why is Crookss room set apart from the others? Their last words "Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?" He tries to bury Curleys wife in the hay, worrying chiefly that George will be angry with him. A struggle ensues Lennie panicking and Curley's wife's eyes "wild with terror" until her body flops "like a fish" and then she is still. The fact that Lennie anticipates the same pattern this time is indicative of his childlike innocence. For a moment, the scene transfixes the men. Slims reactions to both was shocking. Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice? "A silent head and beak lanced down and plucked it out by the head, and the beak swallowed the little snake while its tail waved frantically.". The characters react differently to Curley's wife's death. This is how George knew where Lennie had went to. The final similarity in the two situations is the fearful future of loneliness facing both Candy and George. An then he was dead. Both of Lennies explanations make it clear that while he didnt intend to hurt the puppy, his inability to control his own strength caused the puppys death. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com.

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what was slims reaction to curley's wife's death